The Covid pandemic has triggered a Great Reset: a re-calibration of every aspect of our lives. Perhaps the most significant has been in the nature and act of work.

Necessity accelerated the pace of digital transformation by decades. Organizations and leaders reluctant to honour workers with adaptable hours and work-from-home flexibility suddenly had no choice but to trust their people to get their jobs done – and they did. Front-line and often underpaid workers across dozens of industries endured daily risks to deliver fundamental services and, in the process, discovered and demanded their true economic value. As schools moved to virtual classrooms and daycare options evaporated, parents wearily juggled concurrent roles of worker, teacher and caregiver. And at the same time, a flood of headlines laid bare the brutality of systemic racism in policing, healthcare, education and myriad social and private services, catalysing critical conversations and long-overdue action to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

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